Swift Asynchronous Programming: Mastering async and await

Furkan Başoğlu
3 min readNov 19, 2023


I realized how important asynchronous programming is because of a task at the company I worked for. From now on, I gave importance to asynchronous programming and wanted to tell you some of its usage areas.

In the realm of modern software development, asynchronous programming plays a crucial role. To ensure users experience a fast and fluid interaction, network calls, data processing, and long-running operations need to be executed in the background. Swift’s async/await pattern, introduced in Swift 5.5, revolutionizes the way we write asynchronous code, making it more intuitive and readable. This blog dives deep into the use of async/await in Swift.

Basics of the async/await Pattern

Swift’s async/await pattern simplifies asynchronous programming, making asynchronous operations as straightforward as synchronous code.

async Functions

Marking a function as async indicates that it performs an asynchronous operation. These functions don’t return a value immediately; instead, we wait for the completion of their operations.

func fetchDataFromAPI() async -> Data {
// Data fetching from the API is performed here

The await Keyword

await is used to wait for the result of an async function. It causes the program to pause at that point and wait for the asynchronous operation to complete.

let data = await fetchDataFromAPI()

Real-World Examples

Network Calls

Network calls are one of the most common applications of asynchronous programming. The async/await pattern is used to prevent the UI from freezing and allow data to be loaded in the background.

func loadUserProfile(userID: String) async -> UserProfile {
let url = URL(string: "https://example.com/user/\(userID)")!
let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url)
let profile = try JSONDecoder().decode(UserProfile.self, from: data)
return profile

In this example, a network call is made to load a user profile. Using await, we wait until the data is fully loaded.

UI Updates

async/await also significantly aids in updating user interfaces. It ensures that the UI remains responsive during long-running operations.

func updateUIWithUserProfile() async {
let userID = "12345"
let profile = await loadUserProfile(userID: userID)
// UI updates go here

This function updates the UI after loading the user profile, ensuring the UI doesn’t get locked during the asynchronous call.

Error Handling

Error handling with async/await is similar to handling in synchronous code, using do-catch blocks to catch potential errors.

func fetchAndProcessData() async {
do {
let data = await fetchDataFromAPI()
// Data processing code goes here
} catch {
print("Error in data fetching: \(error)")

In this example, any errors from fetchDataFromAPI are caught in the catchblock.


Swift’s async/await pattern is a significant innovation that simplifies and enhances asynchronous programming. It allows developers to write clean, understandable, and maintainable asynchronous code without the complexity and verbosity of callback structures. Especially in scenarios like network calls, long-running operations, and UI updates, the use of async/await significantly improves application performance and user experience.

The async/await pattern in Swift also provides advantages in critical areas like error handling and resource management. Errors are managed more effortlessly, and operations are conducted more reliably. These features make Swift an even more powerful and versatile language for both mobile and desktop application development.

Ultimately, the adoption of async/await demonstrates the evolving nature of Swift and its responsiveness to the needs of the developer community. These advancements ensure Swift's significant place in the world of modern application development and offer developers key tools for creating better software products. Understanding and utilizing the async/await pattern should be an essential part of every Swift developer’s skill set.

